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Friday, August 3, 2012

What up?

It has been a while since my last blog post. I feel as if I won't be able to repay you for my absence, but I am willing to spend the rest of my life making it up to you. Now that that picture perfect movie moment is over, we can move on. I have recently found myself so "busy" that I couldn't contribute my thoughts to society via wildly mediocre blogging. So what have you been up to? The question was rhetorical, and I can't possibly hear you, no need to reply. I have been up to the usual. Frequently daydreaming about being a cage fighter, or auditioning for American Idol has filled most of my free time slots. The Olympics are the current topic
of most social circles, but I will spare you for now. Consider this a sacred place, where you can get away from all those overbearing, in your face, obligatorily patriotic sporting events. You know what I am more focused on now than ever? Convincing my wife to let me try out cage fighting. I am not stupid, I fully realize that finding fame and fortune in MMA is near impossible.I am intrigued with the competitive nature. Just two athletes competing against each other. If you lose, there is no one to blame, no pointed fingers. It is a true test of character, heart, intelligence and strength. Personally I think I would be good at it, and have a great time. The only thing I have a hard time coming to grips with is the possibility that I would be knocked out. The actual KO doesn't bother me too much, if a dude hits me hard enough to knock me out, then my hat is off to him. What doesn't excite me is the fact that someone would get it on camera, and without a doubt it would be replayed over a million times in slow motion. I have friends that have bravely stepped into the cage and they love it. So if you see my wife put in a good word for me huh? Thanks unknown reader, you're a life saver.(not the candy, like someone who is doing me a favor, but not a huge favor, it was meant to be somewhat sarcastic.) MMA aside, life has been good, and I hope the same can be said for you. If it hasn't been, here is a short list of things that are sure to make you're life better, with little thought required:

Water balloon fight
Dinner at red lobster
Slumber party
Trash talk online
Plant a tree
New socks

These are things that bring joy to life. Obviously the full list is extensive, I just ain't got the time to list more, you understand. So what's with Facebook nowadays? I can't seem to stay focused when I'm "bookin'". "like" this and "share" that. What I really want to know about is what my friends are up to, so fix it. Sorry if I am not stimulating your mind with this loose collection of words here. I think it and type it. Feel free to comment on my inadequacies as a writer, I can handle criticism......Well, not really, but I will try. I have been off work for 3 week-ish now, with some vacation left. It feels weird not to be working. I could get used to this though. Waking up at 8 and spending all day with my awesome kids and hot wife. Pretty sweet deal. If you don't have a hot wife I suggest you get one, as I always say "wife up". I guess this thing is done. I just put "Tommy Boy" on, so I cant even give you guys 1/10th of my attention. "Richard, who's your favorite little rascal? Is it alfalfa, or is it spanky.........sinner".

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